
insta moments

i know, i know... i have been mia for pretty much a month. so heres a little insta update to why i have been mia. since i have turned 21 i have been livin' it up, i had a birthday dinner with my high school friends, i went to the bars for my friends 21st, and have been spending lots of time with family over winter break. my family actually got a new car! its a nissan frontier and i'm in love with it, i named it gus. i have wanted a truck for ages now so i'm excited the family finally has one! for new years i went to pittsburgh with some of my friends and it was a rough weekend. i caught a cold right after christmas so new years i was sick but still partook in new years activities. once i finally got home i spent a few days in bed trying to get over this cold but failed, seeing i still have this cold. school started back up last week, syllabus week has been interesting. i have some classes i'm really excited for and others that i'm not excited about. and finally coming upon my last insta, i was in the hospital yesterday. i'm out now and feeling a little better. i have been given some strong medicine that actually makes me have blurred vision and drowsiness to the point that i just pass out. i'm probably skipping my class tomorrow and because of that i will be able to post my current birchbox i received today! i miss blogging a ton so hopefully i can begin to update more frequently. 

1 comment

  1. I hope you are okay dear! School started up last week for me as well, and let me say, I have a workload.


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