
February Birchbox - Red Carpet Ready

This months birchbox theme is red carpet ready. I thought the theme was a really cute idea seeing that it is award season. when i thought of this theme i thought that receiving a full face would be a really cute idea (primer, mascara, a lip product) something along those lines... and i received something along those lines. first off i watched the sneak peak video and i was somewhat underwhelmed... they talked about how lancome just became affiliated with birchbox, i was really hoping for the mascara! i received an email saying that because of the snow storm nemo my box has been snowed in so it would be a little late, totally understandable! when my box got here i was excited because i knew it was going to be my last box... yup, i said it... my last box. i'll go into detail about that later. but this box included:
  • color club nail polish in wild cactus
  • lancome le base pro makeup primer
  • miss jessie's original pillow soft
  • vasanti brighten up! enzymatic face rejuvenator
  • ghirardelli caramel square
i was excited to see the nail polish, probably the thing i was most excited for. its a emerald polish to go with the color of the year! if you didn't know... emerald has been named the color of the year, so very on trend this nail polish was. i was really hoping to try the lancome mascara they showed in the sneak peak video but a primer is okay too... i use the benifit porefessional primer and i probably wont stray away from that for awhile, maybe i'll let my mom try it. i have received another miss jessie's original hair product before and have yet to try it. this being said the other one wasn't in a foil packet and was in an actual bottle. i'm assuming you shouldn't use that whole pillow soft sample at once so why put it in a foil packet i cant close... bad packaging on that one. i haven't heard of the vasanti brighten up! enzymatic face rejuvenator before but i love face scrubs so i will be sure to try this out with my clarisonic. and finally the little chocolate treat... seemed pointless but i already ate it so... i obviously liked it. 

overall i have liked birchbox... i may eventually go back to them but for now i unsubscribed. the main reason was because i wasn't receiving products i enjoyed. i wanted more makeup beauty projects along those lines and i just didn't seem to be getting them. that being said i unsubscribed for birchbox and subscribed to ipsy. i figured why not give it a chance i have been seeing what has been in the bags and they seem to really be products i like! i'm currently on the waiting list so once i get off i'll be sure to be reviewing the bags just like i did with birchbox. so long birchbox.


  1. I love reading these reviews so i'm sad for you that you've left birch box! i'm living through you when you receive these boxes as i just can't afford the UK version! hopefully you won't be on the waiting list for long on your new subscription so we can both start enjoying these reviews again!

    1. i'm sad i left too! i loved getting a little surprise each month! i agree lets hope i get off this wait list asap i cant wait to start reviewing again! thanks for all the support xx


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